Some private communications
- (2015) Summary on Systems of Systems
- (2013) Differences between communities in real-time systems
- (2010) The Art of Information Desctruction
- (2010) Sensor in the System Cycle
- CRTS workshop, associated with RTSS
- I was on BNR newsradio on November 4, 2015 ;-)
- Security congress, 20151014, Arena Amsterdam
- ETFA2015, September
- Automotive week, March 2015
Some presentations
I have collected just a few here, starting this in 2015.
- Some remarks about research, design and writing a paper (For PDEng and MSc)
- System Engineering over Time - presentation at TNO-ESI colloquium, October 3, 2016.
- A Systems-of-Systems perspective on the Internet of Things- presentation at CRTS workhop
- Towards ITS deployment - presentation on 6 november 2015 Smart Mobility symposium @ TU/e in the context of the CONVERGE project
- Car Connections, Dangerous Liaisons? - presentation at the 2015 security congres, Arena, Amsterdam on 14 October 2015
- The ProHEAL project at TU/e - presentation at Devlab Cafe in September 2015
- The Case of Dynamic Street Lighting: An exploration of long-term data collection, presentation at ETFA in September 2015
- Car Connections - Security and Privacy in vehicle communication, presentation at the automotive week on 30 March 2015
- Evaluating Trustworthiness through Monitoring: the foot, the horse and the elephant, presentation in summer 2014 at the Trust 2014 conference
- Cyber Physical Systems: a perspective, presentation in 2013 at the IPA days on CPS
- Presentation at the kick-off of EIRICT in March 2012